This page is the Taxi Talks Site Map.

Probaway - Taxi Talks

Taxi Talks are language lessons designed to help a speaker of any language learn any other language.

[ This site should be made into a WIKI because the intent is to make it available to everyone. If anyone would like to help, this site could be made into something very useful to everyone of every language. ]

© 2005 by Charles Scamahorn


Language Lessons and Dictionaries

  1. Taxi City is the basic language lesson for getting around a city.
  2. Taxi Buy is a language lesson to help you buy things on the internet.
  3. Taxi Hut is a language lesson about things around the house.
  4. Taxi Net is a language lesson on how to use the internet.
  5. Taxi HTML is how to make a web page.
  6. Taxi Base is a long but basic word list.
  7. Taxi Dic is a dictionary of many common words.
  8. Taxi Big Baby is a language lesson based on how a normal baby learns to speak.
  9. Basic Extensible Sign Language (BESL) is an infant sign language with built in growth potential.




Outside links

Liability disclaimer statement: These Probaways contain new and unique information that has been created, tested and retested by me alone. You must approach these findings and materials very carefully as your results may differ greatly from my experience and I can offer no recompensation of any kind for any injuries.

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.