Proba - Numbers

Easily spoken numbers with unique sounds are easier to use and to remember.

If anything is easier to use it becomes more useful.

We need to use numbers quite often but we have trouble remembering them because our method for learning and recalling the numbers requires brain space. The method proposed here is to compress the old spoken forms of the numbers into shorter more easily spoken words which use less brain space.

This system uses about twenty percent less time to think and to pronounce the numbers and therefore you can remember twenty percent more of them. If you have a short term memory of seven numbers using the old English pronunciation, then with this new system you sould remember about nine. That may not seem like much but on the memory portion of an IQ test that would raise your score from average to near genius.

The old number system was cobbled together by historical accident and is needlessly sloppy, imprecise, confusing, error prone, mistake-creating and disaster-inducing. Proba Numbers system improves on the old one with an easily spoken three letter syllable for each single digit number and other numbering components. These have been designed to prevent confusion by combining smoothly and distinctly into the larger multi-digit numbers. Also, although the pronunciation of the numbers may, at first, sound childish, they are easily recognizable by an English speaker.

This system will work best with children who learn it as their native number system but for the rest of us it will always be a second language and therefore not quite so good as a native speaker. However, even we can benefit.

Here's how to pronounce the numbers using the Proba-Numbers system.

The usual preferred pronunciation is in the first column. When using the extended pronunciation for the numbers from 10 to 19 the teen (ten) sound has been moved to conform with all of the other numbers from 20 to 99. Sometimes for additional clarity it is desirable to indicate the decimal placement. This can be done by saying a positioning indicator such as the old form of thousand, million, billion etc. which is usually indicated with a comma. (See also: The Metric System Contracted). The point at the end of a whole number and beginning a smaller than whole number is pronounced pit.

Some additional clarifications.

The pit, teen and hundred tag complicate the system a bit but may be used when more exact clarity is needed to emphasize the decimal placement. When saying 101 as Onehunone the plus is implied and if it were pronounced completely it would be Onehun plus one. It follows then that saying 100 would be Onehunhoe, that is Onehun plus hoe. Normally this wouldn't be said this way but it is stated here to define and regularize the system. The words exaclty and approximately have also been truncated to the single sylable three letter format. Perhaps, some other items which are typically associated with numbers could be similarly truncated when attached to a number. Such things as monitary units: Dollars = dol; Pounds = pud; Euro = ro;

0 - Hoe / 0. - Hoepit
1 - One / 1. - Onepit
2 - Two / 2. - Twopit
3 - Tre / 3. - Trepit
4 - Por / 4. - Porpit
5 - Pie / 5. - Piepit
6 - Sic / 6. - Sicpit
7 - Sev / 7. - Sevpit
8 - Ate / 8. - Atepit
9 - Nin / 9. - Ninpit

10 - Onehoe - Oneteehoe / Onetee / Tee
11 - Oneone - Oneteeone
12 - Onetwo - Oneteetwo
13 - Onetre - Oneteetre
14 - Onepor - Oneteepor
15 - Onepie - Oneteepie
16 - Onesic - Oneteesic
17 - Onesev - Oneteesev
18 - Oneate - Oneteeate
19 - Onenin - Oneteenin

20 - Twohoe - Twoteehoe / Twotee
21 - Twoone - Twoteeone
22 - Twotwo - Twoteetwo
23 - Twotre - Twoteetre
24 - Twopor - Twoteepor
25 - Twopie - Twoteepie
26 - Twosic - Twoteesic
27 - Twosev - Twoteesev
28 - Twoate - Twoteeate
29 - Twonin - Twoteenin

30 - Trehoe - Treteehoe / Tretee
31 - Treone - Treteeone
32 - Tretwo - Treteetwo
33 - Tretre - Treteetre
34 - Trepor - Treteepor
35 - Trepie - Treteepie
36 - Tresic - Treteesic
37 - Tresev - Treteesev
38 - Treate - Treteeate
39 - Trenin - Treteenin

40 - Porhoe - Porteehoe / Portee
41 - Porone - Porteeone
42 - Portwo - Porteetwo
43 - Portre - Porteetre
44 - Porpor - Porteepor
45 - Porfie - Porteepie
46 - Porsic - Porteesic
47 - Porsev - Porteesev
48 - Porate - Porteeate
49 - Pornin - Porteenin

50 - Piehoe - Pieteehoe / Pietee
51 - Pieone - Pieteeone
52 - Pietwo - Pieteetwo
53 - Pietre - Pieteetre
54 - Piepor - Pieteepor
55 - Piepie - PieteePie
56 - Piesic - Pieteesic
57 - Piesev - Pieteesev
58 - Pieate - Pieteeate
59 - Pienin - Pieteenin

60 - Sichoe - Sicteehoe / Sictee
61 - Sicone - Sicteeone
62 - Sictwo - Sicteetwo
63 - Sictre - Sicteetre
64 - Sicpor - Sicteepor
65 - Sicpie - Sicteepie
66 - Sicsic - Sicteesic
67 - Sicsev - Sicteesev
68 - Sicate - Sicteeate
69 - Sicnin - Sicteenin

70 - Sevhoe - Sevteehoe / Sevtee
71 - Sevone - Sevteeone
72 - Sevtwo - Sevteetwo
73 - Sevtre - Sevteetre
74 - Sevpor - Sevteepor
75 - Sevpie - Sevteepie
76 - Sevsic - Sevteesic
77 - Sevsev - Sevteesev
78 - Sevate - Sevteeate
79 - Sevnin - Sevteenin

80 - Atehoe - Ateteehoe / Atetee
81 - Ateone - Ateteeone
82 - Atetwo - Ateteetwo
83 - Atetre - Ateteetre
84 - Atepor - Ateteepor
85 - Atepie - Ateteepie
86 - Atesic - Ateteesic
87 - Atesev - Ateteesev
88 - Ateate - Ateteeate
89 - Atenin - Ateteenin

90 - Ninhoe - Ninteehoe /Nintee
91 - Ninone - Ninteeone
92 - Nintwo - Ninteetwo
93 - Nintre - Ninteetre
94 - Ninpor - Ninteepor
95 - Ninpie - Ninteepie
96 - Ninsic - Ninteesic
97 - Ninsev - Ninteesev
98 - Ninate - Ninteeate
99 - Ninnin - Ninteenin

100 - Onehoehoe - Onehunhoe / Onehun
101 - Onehoeone - Onehunone
102 - Onehoetwo - Onehuntwo
103 - Onehoetre - Onehuntre
104 - Onehoepor - Onehunpor
105 - Onehoepie - Onehunpie
106 - Onehoesic - Onehunsic
107 - Onehoesev - Onehunsev
108 - Onehoeate - Onehunate
109 - Onehoenin - Onehunnin

123 - Onetwotre - Onehuntwotre / Onehuntwoteetre
234 - Twotrepor - Twohuntrepor / Twohuntreteepor
345 - Treporpie - Trehunporpie / Trehunporteepie
456 - Porpiesic - Porhunpiesic / Porhunpieteesic
567 - Fiesicsev - Fiehunsicsev / Fiehunsicteesev
678 - Sicsevate - Sichunsevate / Sichunsevteeate
789 - Sevatenin - Sevhunatenin / Sevhunateteenin
890 - Ateninhoe - Atehunninhoe / Atehunninteehoe
901 - Ninhoeone - Ninhunhoeone / Ninhunhoeteeone
1,000 - Onehoehoehoe - Onetao / Onetaohoe
2,002 - Twohoehoetwo - Twotaotwo
3,003 - Trehoehoetre - Tretaotre
4,004 - Porhoehoepor - Portaopor
1,000,000 - Onemil -
2,000,000 - Twomil -
3,000,000,000 - Trebil -
4,000,000,000,000 - Portil -
5,000,000,000,000,000 - Fiequa

See also: The Metric System Contracted for coping with these big and little numbers.

. - pit
.002 - pithoehoetwo
.023 - pithoetwotre
.23 - pittwotre
2. - two - twopit
23 - twotre - twotrepit
230 - twotrehoe - twotrehoepit
2300 - twotretao twotaotrehun or 2.300tao
230,000,000 - twotremil
23,000,000,000 - twotrebil
23,000,000,000,000 - twotretil
23,000,000,000,000,000 - twotreQad
23,000,000,000,000,000,000 - TwotreQin

24,000 - Twoportaoexa -- exactly
25,000,000 - twopiemilpox -- approximatly
$26exa - Twosicdolexa - 26 dollars exactly
£27pudpox - Twoteesevpudpox - 27 Pounds approximately
€28 - Twoteeateuro - 28 Euros

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